Board Member Spotlight

May 29, 2024

Brian Haley joined The Salvation Army Austin Advisory Board in 2021 and currently presides as the co-chair of the board’s Strategic Planning Committee. He serves as the co-founder and managing partner of CB Capital, a diversified real estate development and asset management company. He and his wife Caroline have two children and call Austin, TX home.  

According to Brian, collaborating with other like-minded business leaders to serve the community brings him immense joy. When asked how he feels about his position, Brian explains, “serving on the Advisory Board has been a true blessing to me and my family.”  

The Advisory Board plays a vital role in supporting The Salvation Army Austin Area Command. This dedicated team works closely with our Area Commanders, Majors Jacqulyn and Lewis Reckline, to maximize our community impact. Moreover, the board plays a significant role in securing essential resources to uphold our mission of addressing human need. 

Brian emphasizes our mission, stating, “The Salvation Army epitomizes Christ’s servant leadership through its commitment to clients and hospitality to our community. Whether it is through disaster relief, rehabilitation, or social services, the Army rolls up its sleeves and comes alongside to ensure recovery and revitalization occurs.” We are incredibly grateful for Brian’s commitment to The Salvation Army’s mission! 

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